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Metal & Tooth Colored Braces

Metal Braces

Metal or traditional braces are less costly and more successful at treating extreme conditions than clear braces or Invisalign aligners. Traditional braces’ main drawback is its quickly noticeable appearance; however, modern braces are more aesthetically pleasing than in the past, with a variety of color choices for both the brackets and the elastics.

Traditional braces are composed of standard metal brackets that are attached to your teeth and connected by wire. They must be tightened every 4-6 weeks so that constant pressure can eventually realign your teeth and level your jaw.

Tooth-Colored Braces

Tooth-colored braces solve aesthetic issues by integrating conventional brace approaches with cutting-edge technology. The brace wires are white or as similar to tooth color, reducing the appearance of the braces while they are in place. The brackets are transparent to further conceal the visibility of the braces.

Tooth-colored braces are a more appealing option than traditional metal braces. They are a popular choice for adults since they are less noticeable, making many individuals less self-conscious about wearing them. They work similarly to traditional braces and can repair orthodontic issues such as crooked or crowded teeth, big gaps, overbites, and underbites.

Discovering the Best Solution for You!

Our highly-skilled experts of orthodontics provide a comprehensive range of invisible, removable, and concealed braces. We will explain your choices and determine the best braces that fit your smile and budget. Contact us today and begin your quest towards straightening your crooked or crowded tooth issues!